Edgewater’s federal client was faced with infrastructure technology that was not meeting business demand, was causing unproductive downtime for users and missed deadlines for critical deliverables. The infrastructure issue also impeded progress of several development/ modernization projects, resulting is missed “go live” schedules. In addition, with many stakeholders and 3rd parties effected, the client was having trouble managing operations to achieve the desired results.
As the direct result of Edgewater’s leadership the performance of the modernized system quickly began to increase resulting in user satisfaction/acceptance and on-time deliverables. The ongoing usage of monitoring tools and performance alerts allowed the team to proactively address potential issues in a timely manner and significantly reduced system downtime. Data integrations, which previously could take hours, became more efficient as to take minutes, and in some cases only seconds. As a result of Edgewater’s ability to lead/guide the group of contractors from multiple contracts through the successful resolution of the performance issues, the client asked for dedicated Edgewater leadership for the matrixed team.